Reset the Ladder During Season



The first five rounds are grading and contribute to attendance statistics but ladder points do not. The ‘real’ games will start from round 6.


Submitting the results of the first 5 matches will update the ladder accordingly.  At round 6 you can remove the results but this will also remove the attendance and other stats. You could edit the ladder manually to reset everyone back to zero but this requires additional work and can be painstacking if you have lots of competitions. In addition, looking back at the end of the season makes it hard to be confident the ladder is correct.


In an update released today you can now specify from what round the ladder should calculate from. In this scenario you would specify 6 in the ‘Ladder Start Round’ field. This would then tell the ladder to only calculate results from rounds 6 and up, ignoring rounds 1 to 5.

To specify the ladder start round:

  • On the navigation bar select Competitions > Manage Competitions.
  • Find and select the competition you wish to alter.
  • Click Edit > Competition Details
  • Specify the ‘Ladder Start Round’ value.

  • Click Save


In addition you can now delete all ladder adjustments to ensure the ladder is 100% calculating based on match results.

To delete all ladder adjustments:

  • On the navigation bar select Competitions > Manage Competitions.
  • Find and select the competition you wish to alter.
  • Click Edit > Ladder

  • Click ‘Delete Ladder Adjustments’


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