Inserting Matches into an Existing Fixture.


To insert matches into an existing fixture, follow the steps given below: 

  1. Navigate to Competitions -> Manage Competitions in the navigation menu. 
  2. The Manage Competitions page will be displayed. 
  3. Select the fixture that you wish to edit, by ticking the appropriate check box in the grid. 
  4. Select the Edit option from the sub menu and then select Edit Fixture
  5. The Edit Fixture page will be displayed.
  6. Once loaded select the option to Insert Matches.


  1. A new popup will be displayed. 
  2. Insert the number of matches you would like to insert into the fixture. 
  3. Enter the specific round you would like these matches added to or alternatively tick the check box to add the rounds to all rounds in the fixture.

  1. Click Insert
  2. The popup window will close and the grid will automatically be refreshed to show the newly added rows. By default the match will be a Bye vs. Bye. 

  1. Make any changes you like to the newly added rows. 
  2. Save changes to the fixture by pressing the Save Fixture button. 



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