To manage users in a role, follow the steps given below.
1. Navigate to the Settings - > User Management option in the Navigation Menu.
The User Management page will be displayed.
2. Navigate to the Roles tab.
The Roles dialog will be displayed.
3. Click the Manage Users in Role link in the row of the role record, the users of which you wish to manage.
The Manage Users in Role dialog will be displayed.
4. Check the boxes in the row of the users that you wish to add.
5. Click the Save Changes button.
The selected users will be associated with the role.
6. To remove the user, simply un-check the box in the row of that user.
Warning: A user will be denied access to the application if they are removed from a role and they are not associated to any other role.
7. Click the Save Changes button.
The associated users of the role will be removed.