Adding New Email Announcement


To add a new email announcement, follow the steps given below.

1.  Navigate to the Administration - > Notifications option in the Navigation Menu.

The Notifications page will be displayed.

2.  Navigate the Email Announcement tab.

The Email Announcement page will be displayed.

3.  Select the required competitions about which you wish to send SMS announcement, from the available options on the Competitions field.

4.  Select the required roles to which you wish to send SMS in the in the Roles field.

Scroll down for more options.

5.  Enter the subject in the Subject text entry box.

6.  Enter the content of the announcement in the text entry box.

7.  Click the Continue button.

The Summary page will be displayed.

8.  Enter the email address to which you wish to send a test mail in the Email text entry box.

9.  Click the Send Test button.

The Email Announcement page will be displayed.

10.  Click the Continue button.

The announcement notification will be successfully sent.

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