During team registration, a team might have informed you that on a certain date they have a preexisting commitment. This function allows you to tell the scheduling system about that date. So when it fixtures for the competition, the team will play in a suitable time slot.
To add a single occurrence unavailable exception, follow the steps given below.
1. Navigate to the Teams option in the Navigation Menu.
The Teams page will be displayed.
2. Click the name link of the team that you wish to edit from the All Teams List.
The Team Overview page of the selected team will be displayed.
3. Navigate to the Preferences tab.
The Preferences section of the page will be displayed.
Scroll down for more options.
4. Click the Add New Single Occurrence Unavailable Exception button.
5. Select the starting time for the single unavailable exception from the Start Time calendar.
6. Select the ending time for the single unavailable exception from the End Time calendar.
7. Click the Insert button.
The new single unavailable exception will be inserted.
8. From here, you can also edit and delete the unavailable exception by clicking the Edit and Delete button.