Adding New Team


To add a new team, follow the steps given below.

1.  Navigate to the Teams option in the Navigation Menu.

The Teams page will be displayed.

2.  Click the New Team button.

The New Team dialog will be added.

It has the following fields.

Field Description Example
Name Refers to the name of the team. Legend
Sport Refers to the name of the sport. Soccer
Division Refers to the name of the division. Division A
Season Refers to the name of the season. Summer 2014
Add Registration Fee Specifies whether the registration fee is required to be added or not. Checked
Add Season Fee Specifies whether the season fee is required to be added or not. Checked

3.  Enter the name of the team in the Name text entry box.

4.  Select the name of the sport from the Sport drop down list.

5.  Select the name of the division from the Division drop down list.

6.  Select the name of the season from the Season drop down list.

7.  Specify whether the registration fee is required to be added or not by checking or un-checking the Add Registration Fee option.

8.  Specify whether the season fee is required to be added or not by checking or un-checking the Add Season Fee option.

Scroll down for more options.

It has the following fields.

Field Description Example
Team Role Refers to the team role of the player. Player
First Name Refers to the first name of the customer. Max
Last Name Refers to the last name of the customer. Weber
Address Refers to the address of the customer. #24 5th Flore 4th Avenue
Suburb Refers to the name of the suburb area. Bankstown
PCODE Refers to the pin code number of the area. 2200
State Refers to the name of the state of the customer. New Southern
Date of Birth Refers to the date of birth of the customer. 12/06/1974
Gender Refers to the gender category of the customer. Male
Email Refers to the email address of the customer.
Phone Refers to the phone number of the customer. 444-457-6897
Mobile Refers to the mobile number of the customer. 9742856697
Notification Specifies the type of the notification to be sent to the customer. System Preference
Opt-Out type Specifies the opt out method preferred by the customer. SMS
Medical Cond Refers to the medical condition of the customer. Allergy
Alternate ID Refers to the alternate id of the customer. -----

9.  If the customer already exists, check box in the Existing Customer option.

The Existing Customer dialog will be displayed.

10.  Select the customer by clicking the Select button in the row of the customer that you wish to add from the list.

The details of the selected customer will be added.

11.  If you wish to add a new customer, check the box in the New Customer option.

The fields to enter the customer details will be displayed.

12.  Select the type of the team role from the Team Role drop down list. The available options are Players, Contact, Coach, Player Coach, Captain, Vice Captain and Volunteer.

13.  Enter the first name of the customer in the First Name text entry box.

14.  Enter the last name of the customer in the Last Name text entry box.

15.  Enter the address of the customer in the Address text entry box.

16.  Enter the name of the suburb area in the Suburb text entry box.

17.  Enter the pin code number in the PCODE text entry box.

18.  Enter the name of the state in the State text entry box.

19.  Enter the date of birth of the customer in the Date of Birth text entry box.

20.  Specify the gender category in the Gender field.

21.  Enter the email address of the customer in the Email text entry box.

22.  Enter the phone number of the customer in the Phone text entry box.

23.  Enter the mobile number of the customer in the Mobile text entry box.

24.  Select the type of the notification from the Notification drop down list. The available options are System Preference, Send SMS and Send Email.

25.  Specify the Opt-Out type from the available options. The available options are SMS and Email.

26.  Select the type of the medical condition if any, from the available list in the Medical Cond field.

27.  Enter the notes if any, in the Notes text entry box.

28.  Enter the alternate id in the Alternate ID text entry box.

29.  Click the Insert & Manage button.

The new team will be added.

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