Importing Customer


You can import customer records from a CSV file.

The CSV file must contain the following fields in this exact order:
First Name, Last Name, Address, Suburb, PostCode, State, DOB, Gender, Email,Phone, Mobile, Alternate Id, Registration Start Date, Registration End Date

FiXi will also expect that these headers are within the CSV file so it will always skip the first row as it assumes it will be the headers.

To import customer records, follow the steps given below.

1.  Navigate to the Customers option in the Navigation Menu.

The Customers page will be displayed.

2.  Click the Import () button at above the list of records.

The import dialog will be displayed.

3.  Click the Chooser File button to select the file from your computer.

The File Upload dialog will be displayed.

4.  Select the customer records file that you wish to upload from your computer.

5.  Click the Open button.

The selected file will be uploaded.

6.  Click the Import button.

The records will be imported from the file.

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