Adding a User


Note: Depending on your subscription there may be a limitation on the number of active users. 

To add a new user, follow the steps given below.

1.  Navigate to the Settings - > User Management option in the Navigation Menu.

The User Management page will be displayed.

2.  Click the Add New User button.

The Add New User dialog will be displayed.

It has the following fields.

Field Description Example
Username Refers to the name of the user. Milton
Email Refers to the email address of the user.
Roles Refers to the role of the user. ---------
Password Refers to the password for the user to login. ******
Verify Password Refers to the password for verification. ******
Status Refers to the status of the user. Active

3.  Enter the name of the user in the Username text entry box.

4.  Enter the email address of the user in the Email text entry box.

5.  Select the role of the user from the Roles drop down list.

6.  Enter the password for the user in the Password text entry box.

7.  Confirm the password by re-entering the same in the Verify Password text entry box.

8.  Select the status of the user from the Status text entry box. The available options are Active and Inactive.

Note: Inactive users will not be able to login to the system. 

9.  Click the Save button.

The new user record will be added.


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