To enter results, follow the steps given below.
1. Navigate to the Competitions ->Manage Competitions in the Navigation Menu.
The Manage Competitions page will be displayed.
2. Select the required competition from the list.
3. Click the Enter Results button.
The Enter Results page will be displayed.
It has the following fields.
Field | Description | Example |
Time | Refers to the time of when the fixture starts. | 3:00 PM |
Court | Refers to the name of the court. | Resource 3 |
Home Team | Refers to the scores of home team. | 12 |
Away Team | Refers to the scores of away team. | 10 |
Omit | If you wish to omit any of the matches, check the box in the omit option. | Un-checked |
Options | Refers to the row of the match, the result options of which you wish to change. | --------- |
Statistics | Refers to the row of the match, the result statistics of which you wish to change. | --------- |
From here, you can view and mange results of fixtures.
4. For each match played, enter the scores of home team in the Home Team field.
5. Enter the scores of away team in the Away Team field.
6. If you wish to omit any of the matches, check the box in the Omit field.
7. Click the Save Results button.
The changes made to the match results will be saved.
You can sync the changes made to the results to the web so that the changes can be published on the web.
8. To do so, click the Sync Now button.
The changes made to the results will be published on the web.