Managing Team Preferences


When teams register for your competition they may tell you that they can play at certain times due to preexisting commitments. Adding preferences will tell the scheduling system not to allocate matches for this team at certain times.

The system will look at team preferences when a fixture is created. It will give a warning that the system by default i.e. with no team preferences will attempt to spread the teams over all the different times as evenly as possible. Entering team preferences will dramatically affect this.

If no preferences are specified, it implies that the team is available to play at any time.

For most effective results the preference should begin and end at the same time as the Start Time and End time of the match time they can or cannot play.

To manage the team preferences, follow the steps given below.

1.  Navigate to the Teams option in the Navigation Menu.

The Teams page will be displayed.

2.  Click the name link of the team that you wish to edit from the All Teams List.

The Team Overview page of the selected team will be displayed.

3.  Navigate to the Preferences tab.

The Preferences section of the page will be displayed.

From here you can manage team preferences. For more information refer to the following section.

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