Navigate to the notifications page
- Select Administration from the main menu.
- Select Notifications from the fly out menu.
View & filter full history
All notifications will be loaded by default when navigating to the page. To filter the results:
- Enter the From date.
- Enter the To Date
- Click the Search Button.
View and filter match view history
- Click on the Match View tab. The notifications for matches being played on the current date will be filtered by default.
- Enter the Match Date.
- Click the Search Button
- Click on one of the teams to drill down further.
- A new dialog window will appear displaying a list of players (for the current team) who the message was sent to.
Understanding the notification status
- Sent / Ok: The message has been sent and awaiting a response from the carrier.
- Delivered / Confirmed: The message has been sent and a response from the carrier has been received.
- Undelivered: The message was unable to be delivered to the device and will soon change to expired.
- Expired: The carrier has stopped trying to send the message to the phone as the retry limit has expired.
- Pending / Unknown: Unknown recipient. Potentially an invalid mobile phone number.