Activating your Profile


One of the first things we recommend upon activating your subscription is to activate your profile. This will allow you to: 

  • Instantly publish your business profile on our website (an online directory of sport centers). 
  • Provide another platform for your players to view their competition details (e.g. fixtures, results etc.) 
  • Create a fun and competitive environment for your players by allowing them to communicate online. 
  • Increase traffic to your website (if you have one) and improve your search engine ranking - the more inbound links the better. 
  • Accept registrations online. (optional) 
  • Provide players with access to manage their details online. (optional).

Activating your business profile is very simple and can be activated instantly by following the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to Settings -> General
  2. Ensure your Contact Details and Physical Address details are entered. 
  3. Click on Save Changes
  4. Navigate to Sportfix -> Settings
  5. Change the Status value to Active
  6. Click on Save Changes. 
  7. A Profile URL will be generated. Click on the URL to view your new profile. 




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